260 Madison Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10016

Phone: (917) 747-8950

Michael Cornacchia defends clients charged with criminal offenses, in federal, state and local courts.

He also represents clients in grand jury, law enforcement, administrative and regulatory investigations and proceedings.

Michael guides clients, as well, through internal corporate investigations and counsels them on employment entry and exit issues.

Michael’s clients have included public and private entities for whom he has conducted internal investigations into allegations of workplace impropriety.

In representing his clients, in court, hearings, and investigations, Michael makes critical use of the experience and insights he gained as a federal, state and UN prosecutor. 

Since he has tried to verdict over 100 cases, Michael is always prepared to seek vindication of his clients in the courtroom. However, it is equally his goal to prevent his clients from being charged criminally, or civilly, or, if charged, have the accusations dismissed. To accomplish this, Michael ensures the best negotiated outcome possible for them, short of trial or hearings, by demonstrating a strong, well-prepared case. 

Current Representation

CPA in investigation by the IRS Criminal Investigation Division into allegations of fraudulent income tax filings.

Physician in grand jury investigation by the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts into allegations of Medicare fraud.

Veteran charged with assault by the Rockland County District Attorney.

Pharmacist in grand jury investigation by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York into the sale of Pre-IPO shares.

Business owner charged by the Suffolk County District Attorney with failure to pay prevailing wages to his employees and falsifying documents to cover this up.

Executive charged by the Manhattan District Attorney with domestic violence.

Store Manager charged with embezzlement by the Manhattan District Attorney.

Student under investigation by the Dutchess County District Attorney into allegations of identity theft and bank fraud.

CPA under investigation into allegations of assisting business entities in filing false tax information by the Albany County District Attorney and NYS Department of Taxation.

Real estate broker charged with assault by the Manhattan District Attorney.

Social worker charged with drug possession with intent to distribute by the Brooklyn District Attorney.

Mortgage broker charged with sexual abuse by the Suffolk County District Attorney.

Physician under investigation for alleged patient misconduct and billing practices by the NYS Office of Professional Medical Conduct. 

Investor in investigation by the SEC into alleged stock manipulation of shares of publicly-traded finance company.

Michael’s Background

Prior to establishing his firm, Michael served in positions on the federal, state and UN levels, providing him with a keen insight in dealing with investigating and prosecuting authorities.  

As Chief Investigative Counsel for the Volcker Commission, Michael investigated corruption in the UN Oil-for-Food Program. Michael and his Commission staff developed evidence that billions of dollars were skimmed from illegal oil sales by Iraqi officials, in collusion with corrupt UN officials, and assisted in their prosecution and conviction for receipt of kickbacks and bribes.

Michael was an Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. He served as a Deputy Chief in the Criminal Division, supervising the Long Island Section and, thereafter, as the Senior Litigation Counsel for the Business and Securities Fraud Section. Michael investigated, and prosecuted, cases involving narcotics, wire, mail and securities fraud, tax evasion and money-laundering. 

As a Principal Assistant Suffolk County District Attorney, in the Major Offense Bureau and Special Investigations Unit, Michael investigated, and tried cases, involving homicide, sex crimes, fraud and public corruption.

Michael graduated from the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, cum laude, and Fordham University School of Law where he was a member of the Urban Law Journal. He is admitted to practice law before all New York courts, the U. S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and U.S. Tax Court. Michael has represented clients in the Tri-State area as well as in Arkansas, Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and other parts of the country where he was granted permission, by federal and state courts, to do so. 

Past Representation

(Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome)

TV network executive indicted by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York for allegedly bribing international soccer FIFA officials to secure broadcasting rights. After a jury trial, Michael’s defense team obtained their client’s acquittal of all charges.

Detective indicted for murder by the Office of the Maryland State Prosecutor. Michael’s defense team obtained an acquittal of all charges for their client after a jury trial. 

Chiropractor charged with sexual abuse of a patient by the Suffolk County District Attorney. After a jury trial, his client was found not guilty of all charges because Michael discovered and produced tape-recordings which proved that the charges were part of an extortion scheme by the patient and her accomplices.

College athlete indicted for rape and kidnapping in the Duke Lacrosse Case. Michael’s defense team obtained dismissal of all charges, without a trial. Their efforts led to the North Carolina State Attorney General’s declaration that their client was “innocent” and “a crime had not occurred.” Michael’s team also assisted in the District Attorney who directed the case being disbarred and jailed for corruption. In 2024, 18 years later, the alleged rape victim publicly admitted that she had lied about being raped, confirming no crime had ever been committed.

CEO facing imminent indictment by the U.S. Department of Justice for fraud in direct mailing. After a presentation by Michael to officials in Washington, DC, proving that his client did not engage in wrongdoing, there was no indictment.

Investor in start-up companies in investigation by the Manhattan District Attorney, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and SEC into allegations of stock market manipulation. Michael’s advocacy resulted in no charges, civil or criminal, being brought against his client.

CEO of pharmaceutical company indicted by the Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section of the U.S. Department of Justice for importation of misbranded and counterfeit drugs and money-laundering and facing imprisonment under the federal sentencing guidelines. Michael’s defense team persuaded the presiding  judge to sentence their client to probation rather than jail.

Writer charged by the Manhattan District Attorney with cyber-stalking and harassment. Michael obtained a non-criminal disposition after a period of interim probation with counseling for his client.

Doctor under grand jury investigation by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York and DEA for the issuance of patient prescriptions for opiate drugs.  Michael presented extensive evidence to prosecutors, including an expert’s report, that proved his client had prescribed controlled substances for medical necessity and in accordance with accepted medical protocols. No criminal charges were filed against his client.

Teacher charged by the Suffolk County District Attorney with driving while under the influence of drugs and drug possession, stemming out of an auto accident. Michael negotiated a disposition whereby his client pled guilty to non-criminal offenses, leaving him with no criminal record and enabling him to resume his teaching career.

Attorney at Wall Street firm charged by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and SEC for involvement in a multi-million dollar insider trading scheme. A negotiated plea resulted in a no jail sentence.

Student charged with assault by the Manhattan District Attorney. With intensive investigation into the accuser’s background and the circumstances of the alleged assault, Michael obtained a dismissal.